Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Katrina's cake

I did this cake forever ago, they drove it to California for what looks like a gorgeous, fun wedding, and in my flurry to get it ready for them to take, I completely spaced taking any pictures of it. So thank goodness for blogstalking, I stole this off of her blog. It's cute, huh?

- Posted from my iPhone


Schmath said...

Really cute. I want to see more pics from that wedding. I bet it was awesome.

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Tannu said...

Really Nice Blog!:)


Fab Five said...

Hey I found my way over to your cake blog from a friend of mine, Melissa Nakaya. I just wanted to let you know that you have got some mad skills! These cakes are awesome and your stenciling is very impressive! Good work!

Unknown said...

these cakes are awesome!!
hope i got a chance to taste it some day ... :)

chelsea said...

Those cakes are really awesome!
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Cheryl said...

Wow, how do you transport a cake that far and get it there in one piece?